
Annual publication of the List of MAK and BAT values in German and English translation, edited by DFG

Since 2012: Online publication of all MAK and BAT value documentations and air and biomonitoring methods in open access


N. Hund, B. Brinkmann, R. Bartsch, G. Schriever-Schwemmer, A. Hartwig
Differences between humans and rats in chloroform-induced effects on the olfactory epithelium?
Poster at 8th German Pharm-Tox Summit Mar 6th - Mar 9th 2023, Ulm

R. Lohmann, V. Meischner, R. Bartsch, G. Schriever-Schwemmer, G. Jahnke, A. Hartwig

Tricresyl phosphate and organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy

Poster at 5th German Pharm-Tox Summit Mar 2nd - Mar 5th 2020, Leipzig


Brinkmann B., Bartsch R., Schriever-Schwemmer G., Michaelsen S., Greim H., Klotz K., Weistenhöfer., Hartwig A., Drexler H.

PCB - which level of internal exposure is safe for the developing foetus?

Poster at 4th German Pharm-Tox Summit Feb 25th - Feb 28th 2019, Stuttgart


Michaelsen S., Laube V., Meischner G., Schriever-Schwemmer G., Volz N., Ziegler-Skylakakis K., Greim H., Hartwig A.

The evaluation of the human relevance of tumours in animal carcinogenicity studies.

Poster at 3rd German Pharm-Tox Summit Feb 26th - Mar 1st 2018, Göttingen


Volz N., Greim H., Hartwig A.

Derivation of a threshold for genotoxic carcinogens: An insight into the procedure of the MAK Commission for compounds classified in Carcinogen Category 5

Toxicology Letters (2015), Volume 238, Issue 2, Supplement, Pages 109

Hartwig A., Greim H. (2015)

60 Jahre MAK-Kommission

Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, Editorial, Springer VDI Verlag, Oktober 2015

DFG (ed) (2013)


Göen T., Hartwig A. (eds) (2013)

The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety.

Biomonitoring Methods, Vol. 13, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Göen T., Hartwig A. (eds) (since 2013)

Analytische Methoden zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe.

Analysen in biologischem Material, Loose-leaf-collection, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Hartwig A. (ed) (2011, 2013)

The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety.

MAK Value Documentations, Vol. 26 and 27, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Parlar H., Brock T.H., Hartwig A. (eds) (2011, 2012)

The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety.

Air Monitoring Methods, Vol. 12 and 13, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Drexler H., Greim H., Hartwig A. (eds) (2010)

The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety.

BAT Value Documentations, Vol. 5, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Angerer J., Hartwig A. (eds) (2008, 2010)

The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety.

Biomonitoring Methods, Vol. 11 and 12, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Hartwig A. (ed) (since 2009)

Gesundheitsschädliche Arbeitsstoffe - Toxikologisch-arbeitsmedizinische Begründungen von MAK-Werten

Loose-leaf-collection, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.

Drexler H., Hartwig A. (eds) (since 2009)

Biologische Arbeitsstoff-Toleranzwerte (BAT-Werte) und Expositionsäquivalente für krebserzeugende Arbeitsstoffe (EKA) – Arbeitsmedizinisch-toxikologische Begründungen

Loose-leaf-collection, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.

Parlar H., Hartwig A. (eds) (since 2009)

Analytische Methoden zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe, Luftanalysen

Loose-leaf-collection, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.

Angerer J., Hartwig A. (eds) (2008 - 2012)

Analytische Methoden zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe. Analysen in biologischem Material

Loose-leaf-collection, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim