PD Dr. Beate Köberle

Curriculum Vitae

Career Development


since 2012        Docent, Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology 

                           Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


2006 – 2012     Group Leader, Institute of Toxicology

                            University Medical Department Mainz 


2002 – 2006    Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Pharmacology/Hillman Cancer Center

                           University of Pittsburgh


2001 - 2002      Instructor, Institute of Pharmacology/Hillman Cancer Center    

                          University of Pittsburgh 


1993 - 2001       Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Urology, University College London

                           Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), London


1992 - 1993      Postdoctoral Fellow,

                           University Medical Center Ulm


1988 - 1992       Stipend "Landesgraduiertenförderung" 

                            Institute of Clinical Genetics, University of Ulm



2012                 Habilitation in Toxicology

                          University Medical Center Mainz


1988-1992        PhD thesis 

                           University of Ulm


1982 - 1988      Studies of Biology

                           University of Ulm


Stay abroad

2001 - 2006     Instructor and Research Assistant Professor

                          University of Pittsburgh, USA


1993-2001       Postdoctoral Fellow, 

                           University College London and Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), UK


May 1991       Visiting Scientist, 

                          Department of Radiology, University of Stockholm, Sweden


March 1992      Visiting Scientist,

                           Department of Toxicogenetics, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands


Further Activities

1988 up to now:     Member of the German Society for Research on Environmental Mutagenesis

1993 up to now:     Member of the German Society for DNA repair

2009 - 2020             Teaching at "PromoCell Adacemy" Heidelberg

2016 - 2019            Member of the "Human biomonitoring commission (HBM)", Federal Office for Environment (UBA), Berlin

2007 - 2012             Teaching, University Medical Center Mainz

1989 - 1990            Teaching at School for Medical Technical Assistants, Ulm-Wiblingen