Research focus

The research area of our group covers selected aspects of food chemistry/toxicology and general toxicology. The special focus is on the influence of different exposures on epigenetics, the redox regulation as well as genome stability.  Within the research areas described below, investigations of molecular modes of action are combined with current concepts of risk assessment. In the case of trace elements, both positive and negative effects are considered as a basis for a benefit/risk balance depending on the dose, also with regard to food supplements.

The aspects of molecular basic research and risk assessment are also documented by Prof. Dr. Hartwig's chairmanship and participation in corresponding scientific committees, in particular as chair of the DFG Senate Commission on the Testing of Health Hazardous Substances (MAK Commission), as a former member of the European Scientific committee on occupational exposure limits (SCOEL) and also as co-opted member in the "Risk Assessment Committee" (RAC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

AK Hartwig IAB-Tox
Research group 2024
Research foucs AK Hartwig

Current research projects

  • Influence of metal compounds on cellular epigenetic mechanisms
  • Influence of metal compounds and trace elements on the cellular proteome as well as the redox regulation 
  • New platinating DNA-damaging agents

Finished BMBF-funded projects

For further information, click here.
For further information, click here.



DFG grant on the topic: Influence of toxic and carcinogenic metal compounds on the cellular redox regulation