
Annual publication of the List of MAK and BAT Values in German, English and Spanish, edited by the DFG


Online publication of all MAK and BAT documentations as well as air monitoring and biomonitoring methods:

1972-2019 (by Wiley-VCH)

and since 2020 (with PUBLISSO)


The MAK Collection for Occupational Health and Safety:

Volume 1 (2016)

Volume 2 (2017)

Volume 3 (2018)

Volume 4 (2019)

Volume 5 (2020)

Volume 6 (2021)

Volume 7 (2022)

Volume 8 (2023)

Volume 9 (2024)


Poster contributions


Michaelsen S, Bartsch R, Brinkmann B, Schriever-Schwemmer G, Weistenhöfer W, Drexler H, Hartwig A
2-Methoxyethanol, 2-Methoxyethylacetat, Methoxyessigsäure, Diethylenglykoldimethylether und Diethylenglykolmonomethylether: Bei welcher inneren Belastung mit Methoxyessigsäure (Ausgangsstoff oder Metabolit der genannten Stoffe) ist eine Schädigung des Ungeborenen nicht anzunehmen?
Poster at the 64th Annual Scientific Conference of the DGAUM, March 13-16, 2024, Munich


N. Hund, B. Brinkmann, R. Bartsch, G. Schriever-Schwemmer, A. Hartwig
Differences between humans and rats in chloroform-induced effects on the olfactory epithelium?
Poster at 8th German Pharm-Tox Summit, March 6-9, 2023, Ulm


Brinkmann B, Bartsch R, Weistenhöfer W, Drexler H, Hartwig A
Isofluran: Ableitung eines BAT-Wertes für das Inhalationsnarkotikum
Poster at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the DGAUM, March 15-18, 2023, Jena


R. Lohmann, G. Jahnke, R. Bartsch, G. Schriever-Schwemmer, L. Wohak, A. Hartwig
Humankanzerogen 1,2-Dichlorpropan
Poster at 61st Annual Scientific Meeting of the DGAUM, March 17-20, 2021 (online congress)


R. Lohmann, V. Meischner, R. Bartsch, G. Schriever-Schwemmer, G. Jahnke, A. Hartwig
Tricresyl phosphate and organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy
Poster at 5th German Pharm-Tox Summit, March 2-5, 2020, Leipzig


Brinkmann B., Bartsch R., Schriever-Schwemmer G., Michaelsen S., Greim H., Klotz K., Weistenhöfer W., Hartwig A., Drexler H.
PCB - which level of internal exposure is safe for the developing foetus?
Poster at 4th German Pharm-Tox Summit, February 25-28, 2019, Stuttgart


Michaelsen S., Laube B., Meischner V., Schriever-Schwemmer G., Volz N., Ziegler-Skylakakis K., Greim H., Hartwig A.
The evaluation of the human relevance of tumors in animal carcinogenicity studies.
Poster at 3rd German Pharm-Tox Summit, February 26 to March 1, 2018, Göttingen


Kreis P., Lessmann H., Schnuch A., Greim H., Hartwig A.
Is Azodicarbonamide (ADCA) a respiratory sensitiser?
Poster at 2nd German Pharm-Tox Summit, March 6 to 9, 2017, Heidelberg

K. Ziegler-Skylakakis, G. Schriever-Schwemmer, H. Greim, A. Hartwig
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), a high dose carcinogen.
Poster at 1st German Pharm-Tox Summit, 29. February to March 3, 2016, Berlin


Volz N, Greim H, Hartwig A
Derivation of a threshold for genotoxic carcinogens. An insight into the procedure of the MAK Commission for compounds classified in Carcinogen Category 5.
Poster at 51st Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, September 13-16, 2015, Porto, Portugal


Volz N, Greim H, Hartwig A
An example about the procedure in threshold derivation and classification of chemical substances.
Poster at the 81st Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT), March 10-12, 2015, Kiel


Conceptual work


DFG (ed.) (2023)
New Approach Methods (NAMs) in the science-based derivation of limit values - current and future role.
Statement of the DFG Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area.


Hartwig A., Arand M., Epe B., Guth S., Jahnke G., Lampen A., Martus H-J., Monien B., Rietjens I.M.C.M., Schmitz-Spanke S., Schriever-Schwemmer G., Steinberg P., Eisenbrand G. (2020)
Mode of action-based risk assessment of genotoxic carcinogens.
Arch Toxicol 94: 1787-1877,


DFG (ed.) (2019)
Relevance of human studies for the derivation of occupational exposure limits.
Positioning of the Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area.


Laube B., Michaelsen S., Meischner V., Hartwig A., Epe B., Schwarz M. (2019)
Classification or non-classification of substances with positive tumor findings in animal studies: Guidance by the German MAK commission.
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 108: 104444,


Bartsch R, Brinkmann B, Jahnke G, Laube B, Lohmann R, Michaelsen S, Neumann I, Greim H (2018)
Human relevance of follicular thyroid tumors in rodents caused by non-genotoxic substances.
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 98: 199-208,


Schwarz M., Thielmann H.W., Meischner V., Fartasch M. (2015)
Relevance of the mouse skin initiation promotion model for the classification of carcinogenic substances encountered at the workplace.
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 72: 150-157,


Brüning, T., Bartsch, R., Bolt, H.M., Desel, H., Drexler, H., Gundert-Remy, U., Hartwig, A., Jäckh, R., Leibold, E., Pallapies, D., Rettenmeier, A.W., Schlüter, G., Stropp, G., Sucker, K., Triebig, G., Westphal, G., van Thriel, C. (2014)
Sensory irritation as a basis for setting occupational exposure limits.
Archives Toxicology, Vol. 88, 2014, pp. 1855-1879,


Hartwig A., Greim H. (2015)
60 Jahre MAK-Kommission.
Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, Editorial, Springer VDI Verlag


DFG (ed.) (2013)
Positioning of the Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area.