40-Year Anniversary Certificate Awarded to Doris Honig (left) by Prof. Dr. Andrea Hartwig (right)
Marlene Parsdorfer (left) and Tatjana Lumpp (right) with their poster at the "DNA Repair Meeting 2024" in Cologne
Arbeitskreis Hartwig AK Hartwig, Tox
Working Group Hartwig is attending the 34th GUM Meeting in Kaiserslautern (upper section fr. the left: Jana Kuhn, Franziska Fischer, Tatjana Lumpp; lower section fr. the left: Martin Link, Marlene Parsdorfer)
Franziska Fischer und Jana Kuhn IAB-Tox
Awardees at the 24th GUM Meeting: Franziska Fischer (left) and Jana Kuhn (right)
Tatjana Lumpp as a speaker at the conference "Signaling through Chromatin - from molecules to ecosystems" in Grenoble (France)
Sandra Stößer with her poster at the conference "Signaling through Chromatin - from molecules to ecosystems" in Grenoble (France)
Martin Link with his Poster at the conference "GBM Compact - Focus on Proteomics" in Frankfurt
GBM Compact - Focus on Proteomics Conference
Tatjana Lumpp won the DGPT/GT-Award 2023 in the category "Best short talk in the field of Toxicology"
8th German Pharm-Tox Summit
November 2024

We are happy to share that Doris Honig celebrated her anniversary regarding 40 years at KIT!
Dear Doris, this is an incredible achievement - Congratulations! We wish you the very best! We are beyond grateful for your continous support and hope that you will stay with us for many more years. 


September 2024

At the end of September, our working group participated in the DNA Repair Meeting 2024 in Cologne. Marlene Parsdorfer and Tatjana Lumpp had the opportunity to present their latest research findings in the form of a poster. Also, Prof. Andrea Hartwig gave a scientific talk on the topic "Metal interaction with epigenetic modifications and cellular redox regulation." We would like to sincerely thank the organizers and all participants for a successful conference and the valuable scientific and personal exchange.

Welcome to our new master thesis students:
We are pleased to warmly welcome our new master thesis students - Cheyenne Ines Aissouni, Lana Theurer and Philipp Brenner - at our working group. We wish you lots of joy as well as success for your upcoming experiments as well as the thesis in general!


April 2024

Hereby, we would like to welcome our new master thesis student Hong-Dao Truong at the working group. We hope you will have a great time here, and that you enjoy your experiments and will obtain many interesting results! 


March 2024

34th GUM Meeting 

In March, our working group attended the 34th GUM Meeting in Kaiserslautern. There, Franziska Fischer, Jana Kuhn and Marlene Parsdorfer got the chance to present a poster about their current research. Moreover, Martin Link and Tatjana Lumpp had the great possibility to give a short talk. Also, Prof. Andrea Hartwig held a presentation about "Bioavailability and toxicity profiles of metal-based nanomaterials in advanced cell culture systems and consequences for risk assessment". We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all organizers as well as participants. Thank you so much for the fruitful exchange of ideas and scientific discussions! 

Franziska Fischer was awarded a poster prize for her poster "Long-term treatment of lung cells with chromate reveals specific effects on DNA methylation and gene expression profiles".

Furthermore, Jana Kuhn got the presentation award for her talk on the "Influence of copper compounds on the global proteome of BEAS-2B cells" in the scope of the "9th GUM Young Scientist Workshop".

Congratulations to all!


October 2023

Conference "Signaling through Chromatin - from molecules to ecosystems":

In October, our epigenetics team took part in the conference "Signaling through Chromatin" from molecules to ecosystems in Grenoble (France). Tatjana Lumpp talked about her latest research results in the field of histone modification, while Sandra Stößer presented her current DNA methylation studies as a poster. Many thanks to the epigenetics community for the great and inspiring discussions!

September 2023

A warm welcome to our new master thesis students Bianka Bohnacker, Daniel Kelkel, Lara Brunner and Saskia Bardua! We hope that you'll have a pleasant time and wish you all the best for your thesis, interesting results and fruitful discussions!

Conference GBM Compact: Focus on Proteomics:
At the beginning of september, our Proteomics team got the possibility to attend the conference "GBM Compact - Focus on Proteomics" in Frankfurt. Furthermore, Martin Link got the chance to present his recent research with a poster. We would like to thank the organizers for such a rewarding conference and truly thank all participants for lots of constructive and inspiring discussions!  


March 2023

Four researchers of the working group Hartwig were attending the 8th German Pharm-Tox Summit in Ulm. Franziska Fischer, Martin Link und Tatjana Lumpp got the chance to present their recent research results in the form of posters and a short talk, respectively. Many thanks to the GPTS-Team for organizing this conference and the opportunity for networking and great discussions. 

There, Tatjana Lumpp was awarded with the DGPT/GT-Award 2023 in the category "Best short talk in the field of Toxicology" with her presentation on "Arsenite-induced epigenetic dysregulation of post-translational histone modifications in DNA repair genes in lung epithelial cells" 



Oktober 2022

Wir gratulieren unseren Masterandinnen Alexandra Treyer, Katharina Gleiss, Kristina Schmied, Lea Geisel, Marlene Parsdorfer, Sarah Gunesch und Sydney Schorb zu ihren erfolgreichen Abschlussarbeiten. Wir wünschen euch alles Gute für eure Zukunft!

Gleichzeitig möchten wir unsere neuen Masterandinnen Eda Tekin, Johanna Tratz, Lisa Wegmann, Maren Westermann und Stefanie Schonert in unserem Arbeitskreis begrüßen. Viel Erfolg für eure Masterarbeit!


Juli 2022

Wir gratulieren unserer geschätzten Kollegin Alexandra Friesen zur erfolgreichen Promotion und wünschen ihr alles Beste für ihren weiteren Lebensweg!

Liebe Lex, wir danken Dir von Herzen für die schönen Jahre, die wir hier mit Dir verbringen durften. Wir sind uns sicher, dass Dir eine sehr erfolgreiche Zukunft bevorsteht!


März 2022

Alexandra Friesen hat im Rahmen des diesjährigen German Pharm-Tox Summit der DGPT (German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology) den GT-Vortragspreis 2022 in der Kategorie "Best short talk in the field of Toxicology" mit ihrem Beitrag  "Toxicological evaluation of carbon fibre dusts after air-liquid interface exposure of lung cell cultures" gewonnen.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!